“I remember very little. I remember it was dark, as if the sun had set but it was barely noon. See I know because I was in the kitchen, tummy rumbling something terrible. My mom was making me a sandwich and I was so ungrateful then. I was angry with her because she was…she was using a heel. You know, the end of the loaf of bread that’s dry and hard? I remember screaming at her, ‘why mom, why do you hate me?’ And then it was dark. I can’t remember if she ever answered.”

All that separates humanity from utter annihilation, Perimeter. A border in which we place all hope, and there is very little hope.

It didn’t take long for their world to conquer Earth, a planet so unrecognizable that it’s once beautiful blue skies, having grown sick and dark, now cast a purplish hue upon the alien life that roam its bitter surface.

And this wall, nothing more than crumbling concrete and wire held together by the blood, courage, and sacrifice of our sons and daughters, is the only thing keeping death at bay.

There is no rest and no peace for soldiers on the front line, and we are all on the front line.